Download our new album for FREE while you can!

Hey friends, we decided that since we love beer so much, we would celebrate that tender, sweet love by offering our album for FREE for 24 hours. Well that was last night and we love our beer so much we forgot to mention it here, so it looks like we get to extend that 24 hours starting now (9AM PST). So if you dont have it, mosey on over to our Bandcamp site and grab it for free!

When we’re not busy giving the album away, it’s also available through iTunes, Amazon and most major outlets online. But try to snag it for free!

In other awesome news we got our first review and feature in a couple online music zines!
Check out the awesome review of our CD at The Soda Shop, your home for Stoner, Doom and Metal music! Many thanks to Bill Goodman for this one!

Also Many thanks to Graham Finney and Simon Douglass at for their feature on Zed on their site. You guys rock!!

We hope to be adding more reviews soon, so until next time, keep rocking Zed and don’t forget to get your free album!
-Mark on bass

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